Disney Series – Frozen Princess Anna Dress Inspired

Hi everyone! I’ve got a quick couple of items first before I get on with the nail art. First, I am very grateful to all of you subscribers/commenters/people who like my posts/readers – basically all the people who come in contact with my blog – for checking out my manicures. I am really appreciative of every single notification that, somewhere out there in the world, someone is looking at my stuff. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. It makes my day when someone likes a post, or comments, or subscribes to my blog. It really does (hearts!). So thank you all for reading! Second, I started a Pinterest account under the emismanis name  but I am so far using it only to pin other people’s nail art that I like, and not to post my own stuff. I’m ambivalent about whether I should use Pinterest to post my nail art because I like how widely used it is as a platform, but I prefer this blog and Instagram, and I’m pretty afraid of my pictures being stolen on Pinterest. Let me know what you think about this possible development in the comments.

I am continuing my Disney manicure series today with a new installment inspired by Princess Anna’s coronation dress from Frozen! If you haven’t read the earlier posts on my blog, I came up with a series of Disney-themed manicures that I was supposed to paint on my friends and myself before a trip we took to Disneyland a few weeks ago. I only got around to painting three out of five of the manicures on my friends, which I featured previously (these were themed off of Minnie Mouse, Robin Hood‘s Prince John, and the Tangled sun). This design is one of the two I didn’t get around to painting on my friends, but since it’s so pretty, I thought I’d feature it on the blog anyways. Continue reading

Disney Series – Tangled Sun Half Moons + Tutorial

Hi everyone! Today I have the third installment of Disney-themed manicure series that I originally designed in anticipation of my trip with my friends to Disneyland, which happened last week. As I have said in some previous posts, I offered to paint my friends’ nails prior to the trip with designs they wanted, and ended up painting two designs on them (I still have two more that I haven’t done yet). So far in the series, I’ve featured this Minnie Mouse-inspired French tip design for my friend Kimi, and a manicure of Prince John’s crown that I designed for myself. The newest addition to the Disney series is this Tangled-inspired design that uses the sun motif from the movie in a half moon manicure. My friend Emma picked up this idea from the various other designs on the internet, and I augmented the basic idea to make it more interesting and complex. I had to make the design (very) abbreviated on her due to time constraints (you can see it by clicking on the Prince John link), so I executed the full look on myself. This post even has a picture tutorial for the design (my first tutorial ever!!!) so you all can see the process. Here is the result:

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Disney Series – Prince John’s Crown Inspired Tips + Disneyland! (Long Post)

Hi everyone! Once again, I would like to introduce you to my brand-new Instagram account (@emismanis) that shows my manicures going out and about in the world. I hope you readers appreciate it as a supplement to my blog 🙂

So I didn’t end up posting last week like I said I would because the planning for my Disneyland trip got a bit too hectic, but I am back this week with some more Disney-inspired designs! In my blog post for the first design in this Disney manicure series (this chic Minnie Mouse design), I wrote that my friends and I had been planning a trip to Disneyland for ages that FINALLY happened last week. The lead-up to this trip included me painting my friends’ nails with Disney related designs of their choosing, which was super fun. I only ended up painting two of my friends’ nails plus my own for a total of three designs, but I will feature the other two designs on myself sometime later. The trip was amazing!!! At the end of the post, I’ll post a few vacation photos for you all to look at.

The idea for my Disneyland nails comes from Disney’s 1973 film Robin Hood (yes, the one where the characters are anthropomorphic animals), which my friend Kimi and I were watching when we first hatched the Disney manicure idea. Kimi can correct me on this, but I think I said something like, “So…what Disney character should I paint on my nails?” and Kimi pointed at the screen and said something like, “Dude, Prince John.” Once we bounced around ideas for how a Prince John manicure would look, I really loved the design and went with it. We came up with a manicure based on the Disney villain’s bejeweled crown, into which I incorporated real rhinestones for extra bling and regality. Take a look:

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Swatch: Wet n Wild Club Havana and New Instagram

Hi everyone! I have some news: I’ve started a new Instagram account (@emismanis) for my nails! Maybe you’ve noticed the nifty widget in the sidebar to the right… I intend to use it to post “action shots” of my manicures out and about in the world, as opposed to the photos I take for the blog against a black background. By this, I mean that the Instagram account is going to be a supplement to my blog that features more fun/less serious photos than on the blog (and won’t have a significant amount of text). Feel free to follow it if you like!

Today I have a quick swatch of Wet n Wild Megalast Club Havana: a bright red-toned orange creme. The Wet n Wild Megalast line is amazing for two reasons: all of the polishes are $2 and they actually are quite durable. Considering how cheap they are, it’s astounding that these polishes can last for as long as pricier brands (around 6-7 days before tiny chips appear on me, or I feel like removing it). With other cheaper brands, I can get big chips within 1-3 days, which is WAY unacceptable. I don’t even buy Sinful Colors any more for that reason. The polishes themselves typically have decent formulas, although the brush is hard to work with. The only downside to the Megalast line is the small range of colors offered. It would be awesome if there were, say, 50 colors in the line.

Wet n Wild Club Havana

Wet n Wild Club Havana

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Julep July 2014 Maven Swatches and Nail Art


Hi everyone! I have some polishes from the Julep July 2014 collection today, which I first swatched and then combined into a zig zag manicure. This collection was full of a bunch of cremes, so none of the colors are super special. All the same, these polishes are quite likeable, and very bright and summery. I picked out the colors in the Bombshell box (Beverly and Lissa) and one color from the It Girl box (Dawn). Here they are:Composite Continue reading

July 4th Manicure – Patriotic Stencil Glitter Stars

Hi everyone! I’m so excited that it’s the Fourth of July! Happy Independence Day to all of my USA readers!

I really love July 4th. It’s my favorite holiday of the year because, not only is it a national holiday with nice picnic food and fireworks,  it also happens to be my birthday, which is pretty great. So of course I had to come up with a festive manicure for the occasion. I ended up with this sparkly design with a bunch of red, silver, and blue stars on a sheer background. It’s very cute, really sparkly, and quite festive. I’m so happy to have a lovely manicure on my favorite day of the year! Check it out:

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