Whimsical Blue Feathers with Essie – Summer Promo!

Essie Feathers
Hi everyone! I have some exciting news: Essie is having a summer stock up! This news is like two weeks old, but the promotion is valid until September 1st, so it’s still relevant. The promotion is: if you purchase any three Essie polishes at an authorized retailer, you can send a picture of the receipt to Essie and they will ship you a free bottle of topcoat in three to four weeks. The offer is valid for US residents only, and lasts until September 1st. Since Essie hardly ever has promotions, I took advantage of this offer and bought three Essie polishes at my local drugstore; combining other drugstore coupons with the promo made me feel like I actually got a good deal. It’s only been one and a half weeks since I sent in my receipt, so no topcoat for me yet.

The link to the promo is here:


The three Essie polishes I bought were Who is the Boss (light blue green), Strut Your Stuff (BRIGHT turquoise blue – new for summer 2014), and For the Twill of It (purple-green duochrome). Because the colors looked so good together, I combined them into this feather design, which I think is quite whimsical and breezy. I like it 🙂
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Disney Series – Frozen Princess Anna Dress Inspired

Hi everyone! I’ve got a quick couple of items first before I get on with the nail art. First, I am very grateful to all of you subscribers/commenters/people who like my posts/readers – basically all the people who come in contact with my blog – for checking out my manicures. I am really appreciative of every single notification that, somewhere out there in the world, someone is looking at my stuff. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. It makes my day when someone likes a post, or comments, or subscribes to my blog. It really does (hearts!). So thank you all for reading! Second, I started a Pinterest account under the emismanis name  but I am so far using it only to pin other people’s nail art that I like, and not to post my own stuff. I’m ambivalent about whether I should use Pinterest to post my nail art because I like how widely used it is as a platform, but I prefer this blog and Instagram, and I’m pretty afraid of my pictures being stolen on Pinterest. Let me know what you think about this possible development in the comments.

I am continuing my Disney manicure series today with a new installment inspired by Princess Anna’s coronation dress from Frozen! If you haven’t read the earlier posts on my blog, I came up with a series of Disney-themed manicures that I was supposed to paint on my friends and myself before a trip we took to Disneyland a few weeks ago. I only got around to painting three out of five of the manicures on my friends, which I featured previously (these were themed off of Minnie Mouse, Robin Hood‘s Prince John, and the Tangled sun). This design is one of the two I didn’t get around to painting on my friends, but since it’s so pretty, I thought I’d feature it on the blog anyways. Continue reading