Revlon Spider-Man Picks and Water Marble

Hi everyone! First of all, thank you to everyone who voted for my nail art from last week in the Sally Hansen contest. Each vote makes me so happy 🙂

Today I have some swatches of two of the Revlon Spider-Man 2 collection that came out a few months ago. I’m not entirely sure how Spider-Man relates to nail polish (or the US Postal Service, for that matter), but the Revlon collection is beautiful anyways. I am very glad I picked these up because they seem to have a “glow” to them that is quite unusual and very eye-catching. Even though they don’t produce a duochrome effect on the nail, as they appear to in the bottle, the glow makes up for it entirely.


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Southwest Cactus Landscape – Sally Hansen I Heart Nail Art Contest


Hi everyone! I’ve created another manicure that I want to share: this awesome desert landscape with a bunch of cacti! Since this mani turned out so well, I will be submitting a photo of my nails to the Sally Hansen I Heart Nail Art contest. For this month and the next two months, Sally Hansen is holding a nail art contest inspired by different themes. The theme for this month is “Color Destinations”, so I figure this design inspired by the American Southwest fits the bill. I worked really hard on this design, and I like the result, so I think it would be great to participate in the contest. If you want to vote for me, you can do so here:

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My inaugural post: warm-colored butterflies

WarmButterfly_julep_laree_saaya_paulette_blakeHi everyone! I’ve decided to start sharing my nail art with the world through this blog. For over a year now, polishing my nails has been a hobby of mine that gives me a creative outlet, and lets me have fun playing with lots of colors. Up until recently, I haven’t shared my nail art with anyone outside of my friends and family, but I now feel like I’ve reached a point where I feel confident enough to share my designs with the broader nail art community. I intend to post pictures of my manis on a weekly-ish basis, and perhaps some tutorials if I feel like I’ve come up with something that I think other people would like to imitate. I hope you enjoy my blog!

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