Moving Update

Hi everyone! I’m finally back! Unfortunately, it’s over a week later than I thought I would be, but moving was more stressful than I anticipated. I had a lovely vacation (during which I turned one year older), and I’m now settled into my new place! Thanks to my awesome family who helped me move into my new apartment – a task of Herculean proportions – I am now living in a sweet little place with lovely views in a quiet-ish neighborhood. Moving into my fourth floor walk-up apartment was an extremely difficult task that tired my body out big time, and the process of moving and unpacking was very mentally tiring as well. But I have calmed down now, recovered most of my misplaced valuables, and am ready to get back into blogging!

I don’t really have a coherent theme for this post, so I titled it “Moving Update” since that’s kind of what’s going on here. Continue reading

Short Break

Hi everyone! I have some important news about some life stuff. First up: I’m going on vacation! I’ll be spending a week with my family, friends, and boyfriend – not adventurous, but relaxing anyways. This means that I’m going to be busy next week, and away from my nail polish stash.

Secondly: I’m moving!!! As in: changing residences. While I’m really looking forward to living in my new place, moving fills me with a huge amount of anxiety because I absolutely loathe upending all of my life and physically moving to another place; it’s one of the most disturbing and upsetting things to me. It pretty much stifles me for the entire month surrounding the move and, as you might imagine, nail art is the furthest thing from my mind. Also, moving is one of the biggest manicure-destroyers that I’ve dealt with, so it’s kinda pointless to do fab nail art.

Basically, the upshot is that I will (most likely) not be posting any nail art or swatches for the next two weeks, and I’ll be resuming my normal posts on July 15th (or maybe earlier, we’ll see!). This is really bums me out because I’d have loved to do a wow-tastic manicure for my favorite holiday/my birthday, and also get my subscription box posts up. Ah well, life is what it is.

Anyways, I hope you all bear with me during this short two-week break! I’ll see you all on the 15th – thanks for reading!

– Emi

The Great Nail Polish Stash Organization Project (What I’ve Been Up To)!

Hi everyone! I suppose I’ve been away from blogging for a while…oops…I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to leave my blog alone for this long! Things just got really busy for me, and blogging kind of fell by the wayside. If you’ve been checking my Instagram, you can probably tell that I wasn’t doing nothing all this time. Somehow, though, I didn’t have quite enough energy to post everything on my blog. To make up for it, I’ve prepared a whopping 5 posts that will come out in the next few days, so you readers have something to look forward to!

Anyways, I thought I’d update you on my progress with my New Year’s Resolutions, specifically the first one: destash! My goal is to get rid of 100 bottles of nail polish by the end of March, and I’m well on my way there with over 60 bottles in my destash box already. While deciding which bottles to get rid of, I realized that I’m beyond the point where I can rely on my memory to tell me what I have, and I should probably develop a system of cataloging my stash so that I can prevent getting lots of dupes. After thinking about it for a little while, I’ve figured out how I want to get organized, and I’m making progress!

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Blog Readership Polls!

Hi everyone! Today, instead of a nail art post, I’d like to hear from all of you lovely readers! I was thinking about where I’d like to go with my blog in the future (and have lots of ideas!) but I’m not sure what you would be interested in seeing. So I made a couple of polls in the hopes that you’ll answer them, and I can get feedback on what to do. Please take the time to answer; it would really help me a lot! Of course, if you have any suggestions, let me know in the comments!
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New Year’s Nail Polish Resolutions

Hi everyone! It’s still my vacation, so this is a scheduled post. Nevertheless, I wanted to say that I hope you all are as psyched for the new year as I am! Bring it on 2015! To kick off the new year, I decided to make a list of New Year’s resolutions since I feel it’s time to get going on some personal stuff that’s been bogging me down. The past autumn was incredibly grueling for me, and I don’t want to carry on like that for an entire year. So I’m consciously going to make things better for myself, or try to, with my list!

You’re probably thinking: why is she writing this on a nail blog? Well, I got so into the list-making that I decided to make a New Year’s resolutions list specifically relating to nail polish! Basically, it’s a list of what I want to do with my nail polish in the coming year. I’m absolutely open to any requests that you readers may have for me as to things you would like to see me do in the future, so let me know in the comments or email me ( if you have any suggestions/feedback for me. I’d love to hear from you! Really, I would. I get super excited when someone comments on my blog! Please do!
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Swatch: Wet n Wild Club Havana and New Instagram

Hi everyone! I have some news: I’ve started a new Instagram account (@emismanis) for my nails! Maybe you’ve noticed the nifty widget in the sidebar to the right… I intend to use it to post “action shots” of my manicures out and about in the world, as opposed to the photos I take for the blog against a black background. By this, I mean that the Instagram account is going to be a supplement to my blog that features more fun/less serious photos than on the blog (and won’t have a significant amount of text). Feel free to follow it if you like!

Today I have a quick swatch of Wet n Wild Megalast Club Havana: a bright red-toned orange creme. The Wet n Wild Megalast line is amazing for two reasons: all of the polishes are $2 and they actually are quite durable. Considering how cheap they are, it’s astounding that these polishes can last for as long as pricier brands (around 6-7 days before tiny chips appear on me, or I feel like removing it). With other cheaper brands, I can get big chips within 1-3 days, which is WAY unacceptable. I don’t even buy Sinful Colors any more for that reason. The polishes themselves typically have decent formulas, although the brush is hard to work with. The only downside to the Megalast line is the small range of colors offered. It would be awesome if there were, say, 50 colors in the line.

Wet n Wild Club Havana

Wet n Wild Club Havana

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